Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fast forward


May 16: Mickey visiting from Alaska.

Esther up to Juneau for a visit? For how long, and how to ensure continuity of medical care and keeping good helpers? Possibly schedule the visit for the 5 weeks in between chemotherapy rounds?

Matt 3/9/10: Kaiser reimbursed for medical treatment when I visited Juneau, just needed to fill out paperwork and attach receipts.

Terrye 3/9/10: Is there Kaiser in Alaska? How much would it take to have blood tested out of network? How long is the flight from Alaska? Can she sit up for that long?

Mickey 3/9/10: Have tickets for two to Juneau in May, return in June. But mom worried about Kaiser covering blood tests, having to get them out of network.


The center Gale goes to in San Francisco will be closed for remodeling. Currently, the plan is for Gale to come over to help on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings, taking the bus from the BART station to the Walnut Knolls sign on San Miguel. But if that's too much for Gale they'll cut back to fewer days, and Gale can always lie down and rest any time she feels tired.

June 21: First day of Esther's every-6-weeks chemotherapy cycle.

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