Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pictures from Jean's Ann Arbor Memorial, June 9, 2013

A version on this post with an account of what people said at the memorial will be coming later this week. But for now, enjoy the pictures.

Gathering for the memorial.  Front row Ray Lewis; next row Laurie
Abbott; next row Anne Lewis; back row from left to right: Phill Stoll, Pat Sutton,
Yao Louis, Yao's daughter Sally, and Yao's sister and  mother;

walking in back: Jeff Taras.

Babak "Shadie" Rowshan

Anne Lewis
Ray Lewis
Phil Stoll
Phil playing fiddle

Laurie Abbott
Yao Louis with Anne Lewis for support
Amy Garber

Ellen McCarthy

Will Lovick

Pat Sutton
Iris Wiinikka

John Hogen

Bouquets on reception table

Present in spirit.
With Matt in 2012, after returning from her Hawaii vacation
with Anne, before finding out that the tumor was back.
The evening before the memorial, we gathered at the home of Ellen McCarthy and Will Lovick to reminisce and make plans.

On backyard stairs leading down to the creek
Amy, Yao, Anne, Phil, Will, Ray
Closer to the creek: Yao (cropped), Amy,
Laurie, Ellen, Pat, Shadie 


  1. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos.

  2. It was a wonderful memorial for a wonderful friend.
